Congratulations! Your new trading account is now ready to use. Below, you will find the login credentials you need to get started.
Hostname: {accountHostname}
Account ID: {accountId}
Password: {accountPassword}
Remember, you have {accountValue} with a target of {accountObjective}%. The maximum daily loss allowed is {dailyLoss}%, and the total allowed loss is {totalLoss}%. You can start trading whenever you like, just keep in mind that once you make your first trade, the account cannot remain inactive for more than 30 days. Additionally, to complete a challenge, you need to have traded for at least one day.
We can't wait to see what you'll achieve!
If you have any questions or need assistance during the process, don't hesitate to contact our support team. We're here to help you! You can find us at the help center, on Discord, and on social media.